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CUC2022: Otvaranje u zatvorenom svijetu - postdigitalna znanost i obrazovanje / CUC2022: Opening up in a closed world - postdigital science and education

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Necessity of Interdisciplinarity in Postdigital Science and Education

Contemporary science and education face complex problems of the postdigital world, a world in which the boundary between the humane and the digital is long gone. An integrative, holistic, interdisciplinary and, increasingly, transdisciplinary approach is of utmost importance in tackling and understanding modern day problems and phenomena. One of the institutions which advocates and implements such a scientific approach in humanities and social sciences is the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek. Namely, its fundamental mission consists of bridging the formal division of social sciences and humanities from sciences pertaining to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) as an answer to the 21st century challenges. Accordingly, members of the Centre had conducted two waves of research during and after lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic, in order to analyze University of Osijek students’ attitudes towards online learning. Also, the Centre is organizing an annual international interdisciplinary Congress, which gathers numerous scientists from various fields of scientific research who advocate interdisciplinarity. The Centre’s vision is to establish and intensify communication with experts from the private sector, with the goal of changing the negative employment trends and encouraging competitiveness of social sciences and humanities experts. Because of that, the Centre is organizing scientific inter_view, an interdisciplinary popular scientific event which involves discussion of experts and scientists addressing complex issues in both theory and practice. Furthermore, members of the Centre advocate both inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to the elucidation of complex social phenomena from previous historical periods, as well as social phenomena of the 21st century. Finally, the Centre is currently conducting a research project regarding scientific explorations of the phenomenon of interdisciplinarity in humanities and social sciences in Croatia. References:

Repko, Allen F.; Szostak, Rick; Phillips Buchberger, Michelle. 2017. Introduction to interdisciplinary studies, second edition (Los Angeles: Sage Publications, Inc., 2017).

Schmidt, Jan Cornelius. 2022. Philosophy of Interdisciplinarity. Studies in Science, Society and Sustainability (London – New York: Routledge, 2022).

Jandrić, Petar; Knox, Jeremy; Besley, Tina; Ryberg, Thomas; Suoranta, Juha; Hayes, Sarah. 2018. »Postdigital Science and Education«, Educational Philosophy and Theory 50/10 (2018), pp. 893–899.

Jurlina, Juraj; Papo, Demian; Potlimbrzović, Hrvoje. 2022. »Stavovi studenata Sveučilišta u Osijeku prema online učenju tijekom potpunog zatvaranja uslijed epidemije Covid-19«, Metodički ogledi: časopis za filozofiju odgoja 30/1 (Zagreb, 2022), pp. 265–285.

Miliša, Zlatko; Papo, Demian; Potlimbrzović, Hrvoje (ur.). 2021. Međunarodni interdisciplinarni 1. Kongres Centra za interdisciplinarna istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta Osijek: »Interdisciplinarnost u teoriji i praksi«. Knjižica sažetaka kongresa, Osijek, 4. i 5. studeni 2021 (Osijek: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2021), 76 pp.

Balić, Davor; Papo, Demian; Potlimbrzović, Hrvoje. 2022. Interdisciplinarnost u teoriji i praksi. Zbornik radova s Međunarodnog interdisciplinarnog 1. Kongresa Centra za interdisciplinarna istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta Osijek: »Interdisciplinarnost u teoriji i praksi« (Osijek: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera u Osijeku, 2022). In print.

Juraj Jurlina
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Juraj Jurlina earned a master's degree in sociology in 2016 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb. In 2018, he enrolled in a doctoral degree program at the same faculty. Since 2017, he has been employed as a teaching assistant at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek. He conducts seminars and exercises in several theoretical and methodological courses. He has published several scientific papers and presented at several scientific conferences. His research interests include new media, online social networks and the process of individualization, which is also the topic of his doctoral dissertation. He is a member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek, a member of the research group on the project 'The Impact of the Internet and Internet Social Networks on Attitudes and Decisions on Vaccination', funded by Croatian Science Foundation, and a member of the Croatian Sociological Association.

Demian Papo
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Demian Papo, PhD defended his doctoral thesis in 2020 entitled Philosophical Component of Benedikt Kotruljević’s Writings at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Since 2015 as an teaching assistant and since 2021 as a postdoctoral researcher, he is a part of the Chair for Practical Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia. He is currently teaching the following courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Medieval Philosophy, Modern Philosophy I, Academic Writing and Interdisciplinarity: Theoretical and Practical Insights. His main research interest is Croatian philosophical heritage, especially during the Renaissance. His other research interests include: practical philosophy and interdisciplinarity. He is a member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek and a member of the Croatian Philosophical Society.

Hrvoje Potlimbrzović
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek

Hrvoje Potlimbrzović, PhD defended his doctoral thesis in 2022 entitled Works on Logic in Croats During the 19th Century at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Since 2016 as teaching assistant and since 2022 as postdoctoral researcher, he is a part of the Chair for Theoretical Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia. He is currently teaching the following courses: Introduction to Philosophy, Logic and Walter Benjamin. His main research interests are logic and history of philosophy, especially Croatian philosophical heritage. His other research interests include: theoretical philosophy and interdisciplinarity. He is a member of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek and a member of the Croatian Philosophical Society.

Potrebno predznanje: Theory and practice of interdisciplinary research


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