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Icelandic education system and Klettaskóli school

Get to know the Icelandic education system and the education policy of pre-schools and primary schools in the city of Reykjavik and the practice of Klettaskóli, special school in Reykjavík.

Hjörtur Ágústsson
Reykjavik city department of education and youth

Hjörtur has extensive experience working in international cooperation in education and youth work. Hjörtur has been involved in policy development and policy implementation in education in the city of Reykjavik supporting the creation of a local funding mechanism for innovative projects in education and creating and managing international projects in the field.

Valgerður Marinósdóttir

Valgerður has decades of experience working on special education for children with disabilities. She has participated in a number of international project focusing the knowledge exchange of professionals in the field of special education.

Potrebno predznanje: No prior knowledge needed


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