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Objectively Measured Social Media Usage and School Prepardness
Research findings suggest that time spent on social media is related to school success in a way that students who spend more time on social media have lower school grades. However, these findings are inconsistent. The main reason for this inconsistency might be various methodologies that researchers have used to measure social media usage. What most of these methodologies have in common is that participants need to estimate the average amount of time they spend on social media. Ecological Momentary Assessment, i.e., a research method that allows measuring behavior and affect in real-time and in a natural environment, eliminates the subjectiveness of this estimation. Moreover, mobile apps used for conducting an Ecological Momentary Assessment also allow passive data collection, i.e., capturing app-time usage from participants’ smartphones, and thus eliminate participants’ estimation. Therefore, the main aim of our study is to examine if social media usage covaries with the students’ perceived preparedness for schoolwork during eight days.
This intensive longitudinal study started in March 2022 and will last until the end of June 2022. At least 100 first-grade high-school students from Zagreb, Osijek, Varaždin, Rijeka, and Split will participate in this study. The EARS smartphone app was used to conduct an eight-day longitudinal study, with participants reporting on how prepared they felt for their schoolwork once every day. EARS app also collected passive data on social media app-time usage. We will use multilevel statistical modeling for data analysis. Based on the previous research, we expect that more frequent social media usage will be related to less perceived preparedness for schoolwork. These findings will have both theoretical and methodological contributions. While being one of the first studies using passive collection data for assessing the frequency of social media usage, the results will help to better understand school preparedness
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